“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” — Paul J. Meyer

Dean Michael Lairmore presents Dr. Ashley Hill an award for her work with the Masters of Preventative Medicine Program.
A major event that highlights the beginning of our academic year is our annual Fall Faculty Reception where we honor faculty members with awards for excellence in teaching and research. Our faculty include some of the most talented individuals in their discipline. They are accomplished educators and researchers who strive on a daily basis to bring their talents, work ethic, and innovations to accomplish our academic mission in teaching, research, and service to our communities. Our faculty are nationally and internationally recognized as leaders in their professional fields, therefore it is appropriate for us to recognize some of our best and brightest during our annual reception.

Dr. Joie Watson presents Dr. Stephan McSorley the 2018 Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teaching Award.
Dr. Stephen McSorley was honored with the Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teacher Award for his excellence in teaching immunology and microbiology and for outstanding block teaching leadership. His students consistently comment on his efforts to make a complicated topic more manageable, using a “road map” to organize lecture material that includes superhero references.
Dr. David Maggs, another one of our superheroes, was recognized by his students and peers with the Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, for his outstanding instruction of ophthalmology to professional students and residents, as well as excellent leadership of the school’s Curriculum Committee. Like Dr. McSorley, he is an inspirational teacher with a skill for refining complex subjects into easily understood concepts that are delivered with “humor and enthusiasm.”

Dr. Kevin Wollard presents Dr. Nicole Baumgarth the 2018 Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence.
Dr. Nicole Baumgarth was one of two recipients of the Zoetis Excellence in Research Award. She was honored for her exceptional work on the regulation of B-cell responses during inflammation that has provided fundamental knowledge of antibody-mediated autoimmunity.

Dr. Chris Barker presents the 2018 Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellencer to Dr. Janet Foley.
Dr. Janet Foley was the other recipient of the Zoetis Excellence in Research Award. Her research has provided new understanding of the boundary between ecology and epidemiology, including the important role of disease persistence, and how factors such as those attributed to humans can alter the balance of disease emergence.
Dr. Ray Wack was honored with the Clinical Faculty Excellence Award, for his dedication to providing outstanding care to the animals at the Sacramento Zoo and other wildlife/zoological facilities, and his passion and vision that have helped our graduates acquire the skills needed to develop careers in zoological, wildlife or conservation medicine.
As our school continues as a national and global leader in education, research, and service that addresses societal needs, we need to recognize the people who continue our legacy for excellence in veterinary medicine, biomedical and agricultural sciences. This year’s faculty awardees are representative of the exceptional talent, knowledge, and skills that our faculty bring to their work as a daily habit.